Councilmember Nils Nehrenheim

Making our City more resident friendly and inspiring residents.

Latest News & Updates

Here are the latest updates in your community. There are a lot of events, updates, opportunities and meetings that are affecting your daily lives. Click the link below for the Official Website of Councilmember Nils Nehrenheim

Council Member Nils Nehrenheim Offical Website

Drawing upon a deep connection to the Community

Residents First!

Nils has worked hard for many years, working with the community and City to find solutions to hard problems. Listening to stakeholders, from business owners, developers, residents and City staff Nils understands that moving forward means asking the hard questions.

Transparent & Resident Friendly Government

Community representation takes many skills and forms, but the essence of is being able to sit down with a developer, being able to sit down with elected officials and being able to sit down with citizens and be able to find the win-win-win solution. Making things happen, making projects better, making this community better, which requires hard work and cooperation. This is who Nils is on a personal level.

Beach Town Character

Making our city more environmentally friendly, every council meeting. Today, we use less paper and build our projects in an environmentally sensitive way.

Representing and leading since 2017

COVID, lawsuits, budget issues, and storms are all no match to get things done. The city government has become more transparent, more efficient and easier to work with since taking the helm in 2017. Always open to new ideas, drop me a line to see how we can make things better.

Since 2017, I have brought a business startup mentality to the city. increasing transparency started on day 1 and today our meetings, policies, and procedures reflect a modern way of governing.

Come to a Community Meeting, Call or Email!

There are a lot of events happening in Redondo. Let's stay in touch! Join my mailing list here!

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  • Monthly Newsletter
    A monthly update on City events, meetings and updates.
  • Community Meetings online
    Online community meetings and urgent news.
  • Riviera Village
    Updates in the Riviera Village, from events to business news and City updates specific to the Village.

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