As a Councilmember for the past eight years, I have been extremely successful at finding solutions for issues that we have faced. For instance, our pension debt was our fastest-rising cost year-over-year, threatening massive service cuts. By paying off our pension debt for a low-interest bond, we are saving over $100+ million over the bond’s life, preserving our quality of life. I led the implementation of online services, from paper forms, and full transparency in our yearly Budget.

For instance, we now have a line-item budget, which is created digitally. Many of these solutions came from ideas spurred from the relationships I have created and fostered with elected officials outside of the city.

These success stories give me the energy and motivation to do even more for our city. We can do big things and bring success to our city, and they have inspired me to be a leader of our awesome little beach town.

We can do big things, together.

The Plan


Ground roots support. Residents have voted for me twice, overwhelmingly.

My “boss” is the electorate. I report to them. Elected officials are here to ensure the quality of life of the residents and ensure that the decisions that we make are in their best interest.

Together We Rise: A Campaign for Everyone

mission driven leadership

Public Safety

Working as a First Responder for the past 29 years, and endorsed unanimously by the Public Safety Commission, keeping us safe is top priority. With the recent fires, we need to move quickly to rebuild of Fire and Police stations so that these projects can be finished ASAP, under budget.

Under my leadership, we completely rebuilt our Fire Department: from full staffing, revamped training, new management, new equipment and now a Public Safety Bond to rebuild our aging stations.

E-Bike and Bike Safety

Further implement e-bike safety, pedestrian safety and make sure our roads are built and maintained to the highest standards.

When I came to office, less than 5% of the South Bay Bicycle Master Plan was built. Leaving office in April, almost 85% of the plan will have been built or designed.

Traffic Safety

Mayor Bill Brand, Councilmember Loewenstein and I made a promise to make traffic safety and calming a priority. We delivered with more road improvements, more paving and more enforcement to our local streets than ever before.

We hired two more Police Officers, dedicated to traffic safety. Our traffic calming budget has been replenished with more funds from grants than ever before.

Artesia Aviation Corridor Plan 2020
Artesia Blvd.

With the success that I brought to the Riviera Village, from the sidewalk pavers, outdoor lights, outdoor dining, and streetscape improvements, I plan on bringing those upgrades to Artesia Blvd.

Events will be brought to center stage to North Redondo and Artesia Blvd.

Infrastructure Projects

Our infrastructure is aging and we just passed a $93 Million dollar bond. We need to ensure that our projects come in on time and under budget.

Those savings will allow us to fix out other infrastructure such as our public works yard and parks.

Small Business Success

The lessons I learned from supporting the Riviera Village Businesses, and making them the most successful they have ever been, I can take that knowledge to the rest of the city.

We need to build on the Business Improvement District concept, bring that to Artesia Blvd. and PCH.

Olympics & World Cup

We have the two largest sporting events in the World coming to Los Angeles and no one is talking about it.

It started with “Swim the Avenues” as the spark for planning for the Olympics. We have an opportunity in front of us to put Redondo Beach onto the World Stage. Let’s get ready!

We can be a host city for a Country. Our beautiful coastline, easy access to the freeway should be the premier destination.

Harbor & Waterfront

Working hand-in-hand with Councilmember Todd Loewenstein, we won $10 million for Seaside Lagoon, $15 million for the AES Powerplant site.

The Seaside Lagoon contract has been signed, paving the way to be done under budget.

The International Boardwalk just received a major facelift, skateboard park and art mural.

The harbor is producing near-record revenue for the city.

STOP the METRO c-line down the right of way, peoples backyards. METRO needs to build it right, down Hawthorne Blvd.
STOP the METRO on the Right of Way

Nothing in more important than our Quality of Life. It is why I have not just stood behind the residents in North Redondo, but led the way in resident activism against the METRO light rail line extension down the Right-Of-Way.

The rail extension should respect history, follow the old Red Car Line down Hawthorne Blvd.  We need to build it right, the first time.

There are no do-overs.

Online services

I have been instrumental in getting our city services online. The results have spoken for themselves: record number of permits issues, lower expenses.

Record City Revenues

Our future is bright! With near record revenue in the Harbor, Waterfront, revenues overall in the city have never been higher.

I fought against increasing fees, increasing license costs and making living in Redondo Beach more expensive to live in.

Saved $100 Million

Seeing what Manahattan Beach did, I took the cue and worked with our Budget and Finance Commission.

We refinanced our pensions debt and are saving over $100 million over the life of our re-financed bond.

With these savings, we invested in infrastructure, saving us maintenance costs and increasing revenue.

League of Conservation Voters Endorse Councilmember Nils Nehrenheim for Mayor, 2025
Tree City

Under my leadership we became a Tree City. Why is this important? Communities that protect their trees and have more trees in parks, roadways and open spaces have higher home values.

Tree lined streets create a sense of place for our neighborhood. Heat-island effects are dissipated when we have tree-lined streets.

Clean Water

The beach is one of the last open and free playgrounds that we have. We have done more water-infiltration projects than ever before, leading to a cleaner ocean.

This means fewer storm drains empty out directly to the ocean. harmful pesticides, trash, plastics, animal waste are all filtered out.

Less beach closures, healthier environment. We have more to do, with our storm drains along the avenues, there are State Grants available to fix these problems.

join our campaign

This campaign is run by residents and volunteers alike. your support helps us move forward, together.